Enjoy familiar tunes along with Rockabye Beats original jams, and learn a little bit of Spanish along the way!
Please Note: In accordance with Flint Public Library's Pandemic Safety Guidelines (Policy #15), patrons are respectfully asked to wear a mask, regardless of vaccination status.For the safety of library personnel, masks are required when attending library-sponsored programs. However, a person with a medical condition that prevents them from safely wearing a mask is exempt from this requirement.
Registration: Please note that registration is required for this program, and space is limited. Registration will open on Friday, April 8. A waiting list will be made available when the program is full.
Suggested Age(s): 0-6
Thank you to the Curvey Family for sponsoring this program!
CONTACT: Jessica Furtado 978.774.8132 jfurtado@flintpublib.orgFor more info, visit: http://www.eventkeeper.com/mars/xpages/F/FLINTLIB/ekp.cfm?curOrg=FLINTLIB#6387254